Been fooling around with photoshop lately, trying to capture various locations!
It's a bunch of ideas not following any particular pattern, I mostly just wanted to try things out. :) I've been under a heavy influence of video games' concept art lately. I'm not only very much inspired by various works, I'm also trying to learn as much as I can from them. Getting as much information into a piece in possibly clearest and simplest ways, putting the mood across... that sort of jazz :)
Continuation of an oil sketch I did back in Switzerland -- I decided to play around with oils a bit more, then moved on to photoshop |
And another Narasca sketch gone loose and digital :) Tried to get a fresh foggy morning vibe in it |
I found a painting sketch I did way back in February or so, decided to give it a digital refresh :)
I actually found this process the easiest -- painting something in traditional media, then 'shopping it up. I feel much more in control and confident with colors when they're in a material form. :) |
Mountains... Not too happy with it but I decided I rather worked on more interesting stuff rather than put more time into this. |
Having fun with a horror/zombie apocalypse feel :D |
This one is a huge let down... It felt like it's gonna be a nice piece but I just can't get it to work to the point of currently giving up upon it -- gotta give my eyes and brain a rest from it before I will want to get back to it :)
Wooden tree houses are overrated, tree cottages are the new black.
Drawing this was a lot of fun! |
Anyway, hope you liked these :)